Have you ever been so consumed with life that you forget to pause and worship the One who made it all? Especially during those tough seasons? I know I am guilty of this! And sometimes…a simple act of worship is all that is needed to make the walls come crumbling down. Awhile back I wrote about Joshua and the plan that God gave him in order to overtake the walled city of Jericho (click here and read that post). No matter how many times I read the story starting in Joshua 6, I always seem to take something new away from it. No matter the season you are in, you can learn a lot from that chapter. What I really love about it all is that there was no great military strike, no convening of the military commanders to develop a plan of attack. What brought down the walls was …
Tag: Taking down the walls
There always seems to be a million things going on in our lives. We are always being pulled in so many directions with so many distractions. It simply becomes hard to maintain focus. And worse yet, when we feel the call to take a step of action or step of faith, it seems that all logic and reason comes against our plan. Take a look at Ecclesiastes 11:4: He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. The Bible spends a lot of time discussing the idea of sowing and reaping. You definitely do not need to be a farmer to understand the analogy and the foundational truth that if you never plant anything, you will never receive anything. With that in mind, I think this verse speaks to the idea that there will always be an excuse of “why not” to …
Have you ever developed an amazingly solid plan to accomplish something, and then, everything changes and nothing goes as you planned? Experts say it is always good to have a plan in place – this could be a life plan, a 5-year plan or even just a plan for your day tomorrow. Take a 5-year plan for example and think about where you were 5-years ago. Think about where you thought you would be today – did your vision then look like the reality that it is today? And more importantly, did you arrive here just like you planned? I know my answer. There are some pieces of today that are pretty much like I envisioned and there are many that are not how I planned – but one thing is very clear, the path to get here has been nothing like I imagined. And the outcome…has exceeded my expectations. The …