It is absurd to think that someone would consider stepping into a war zone as a solider without being fully equipped to fight. The old saying of never bring a knife to a gun fight holds some great merit. Know the tools you have at your disposal and use them wisely. Yet, each and every day, Christians march off into battle and fail to use the one tool that stands superior – their sword, the Word of God. We compromise the battle before we step foot onto the battleground simply due to a lack of understanding. Our enemy, the devil, would have it no other way. He doesn’t fear the one who doesn’t know the word – he fears the one who knows it and applies it. The Bible doesn’t mess around on this topic: For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, …
Tag: Speak the Word
There has been one verse that has been running in my mind all week: Then Jesus said to them, “My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready.” (John 7:6 NKJV) This statement comes on the tail of one of Jesus’ largest public miracle – the feeding of the 5,000. Following that miracle, you can see a chain of events in John 6. I recommend reading it in its entirety – but I will provide the readers digest version here. We see Jesus make some very bold statements throughout John 6 that He is the bread of life and whoever seeks after Him will be redeemed. These statements perplexed many and offended others resulting in somewhat of a dissension in the ranks. John 6 tells us that many of His disciples turned away and stopped following Him. His own people rejected Him. This statement in John 7 is …
I can be very guilty of overcomplicating things sometimes…am I alone in that? Or are there others out there who do the same? I can take what should be simple and over analyze it like crazy! I don’t know exactly what it is in me that drives this behavior, but even if I know it is a simple concept, I tend to think “there has to be more to it then that”. I do this with the Word all the time. When you stop to reflect on the Bible, we have a tendency to overcomplicate it. But we are instructed to find the simplicity: “But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted by from the simplicity that is in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:3 (NKJV) I talk with fellow Christians all the time who say how complicated the Word …