Lately, I can’t get this face out of my mind. The sincerity. The smile. The hope. It just puts everything into perspective. I had the great privilege of meeting this sweet young lady, Daphne, in 2007 during one of my trips to Uganda. This was not my first trip – nor would it be my last. But each and every visit brings new images, new relationships, and a new outlook for me. Daphne, at this time, was living at Destiny Orphanage and Boarding School just outside of Kampala, Uganda. I don’t know her backstory, but what I do know is she is truly one of the most joyous people I have ever met. Perhaps that sounds strange – she was probably 6 at the time and I realize most 6 year old children are truly happy – but there was something noticeably different here. In a country plagued by HIV/AIDS …
Tag: Simplifying
I can be very guilty of overcomplicating things sometimes…am I alone in that? Or are there others out there who do the same? I can take what should be simple and over analyze it like crazy! I don’t know exactly what it is in me that drives this behavior, but even if I know it is a simple concept, I tend to think “there has to be more to it then that”. I do this with the Word all the time. When you stop to reflect on the Bible, we have a tendency to overcomplicate it. But we are instructed to find the simplicity: “But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted by from the simplicity that is in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:3 (NKJV) I talk with fellow Christians all the time who say how complicated the Word …