There always seems to be a million things going on in our lives. We are always being pulled in so many directions with so many distractions. It simply becomes hard to maintain focus. And worse yet, when we feel the call to take a step of action or step of faith, it seems that all logic and reason comes against our plan. Take a look at Ecclesiastes 11:4: He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. The Bible spends a lot of time discussing the idea of sowing and reaping. You definitely do not need to be a farmer to understand the analogy and the foundational truth that if you never plant anything, you will never receive anything. With that in mind, I think this verse speaks to the idea that there will always be an excuse of “why not” to …
Tag: Seed
We have a garden in our yard, however, there is one big problem with this garden: I do not have a green thumb. Maybe it’s lack of knowledge on how to care for it, my lack of attention to it, or maybe I can blame it on the desert heat…but one thing I know is true, untended seeds do not grow. That is simple enough. When it comes to growing anything in my garden, it requires time and attention. You must apply the right amount of nutrients, water, and effort otherwise all you will end up with is empty fruitless dirt. God has provided each and every one of us with seed. He has entrusted us with talents and gifts that we are supposed to use for the purpose of advancing His Kingdom. So how exactly do we “tend” to those seeds? In John 15, I feel that Jesus outlines …
I have been thinking about seeds a lot lately. All kinds of seed. Seed to produce crops, babies – you name it – seed. I know that might sound odd, but truly, they are amazing things. The fact that something could grow from seed form just takes my breath away. In John 12:24, we see Jesus speak to the amazingness of seeds. I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains [just one grain; it never becomes more but lives] by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces many others and yields a rich harvest. (John 12:24 AMP) Jesus had a way of making it simple. But did you catch it? Don’t read it too fast. Read it again. If a grain does not die, it will not produce a harvest. That marvels me a bit. It seems contradictory …