Thanksgiving has come and gone. All that remains are the leftovers sitting in the fridge (and the added weight from all the desserts). I am sure that many of you spent time reflecting over the weekend about what you are thankful for. My list is extensive. I am thankful for my amazing family. I am thankful for my wife who constantly supports and encourages me. I am thankful for our beautiful Son – a proof that God does do miracles! And, I am particularly grateful for all of the hard seasons in my life that have led me to where I am. That last statement might sound absurd to some. Why on earth would I be thankful for hardships? Simply put, they have developed my faith and strengthened my resolve allowing me to constantly focus on the fact that God is in control – my life, after all, is His story, …
Tag: Rejoice
Sometimes it is hard to define the gift that God has given us. The gift of His grace, His mercy, His forgiveness. Truly the list goes on and on. Have you ever tried to define it? To put words to it? I appreciate Jesus’ unique way of getting His point across. He always packaged a life impacting lesson into a short story that even the youngest of children could understand. This is one of my favorite short parables: The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Matthew 13:44 NIV Two simple sentences, but one impactful point. Jesus is drawing a great analogy to what the Kingdom of Heaven is like…which by the way is something we get to experience NOW, not later. We, …
I heard this song recently by Kari Jobe, and just had to find the video to post here. Such a great word in this song. Essentially, I will find you, God, in all things. In my last post, I discussed the “Even If mentality“, and this song seems to just sum it up so nicely. No matter what, I will find God when I surrender and listen to Him. Instead of writing, I am going to let the song speak for itself today: Question: What do you take from this song?
I took this picture on a recent visit to Rome. This is the Mamertine Prison located adjacent to the Roman Forum. It is believed that both Paul and Peter were imprisoned here. Compared to the hustle and bustle of Rome, this was a quiet and humbling spot to visit. As we walked down the narrow stone stairway into the prison itself, I became speechless. It is hard to find words to describe the experience. The fact that anyone could be imprisoned in this environment and survive is stunning – but what is even more impressive are the words that the Apostle Paul wrote while being imprisoned for his Faith: Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4 AMP) The fact that Paul could find it in him to Rejoice, even when in a prison like this, should simply inspire us to do …