2018. How would I define this year? I hesitate to use the word ‘change’ as that is too simplistic. ‘Growth’ might be a bit better, but even yet, that word does not bring full color to what this year has entailed. I knew full well, as 2017 came to a close, that the new year was going to be one of adjustments, new beginnings, and even growing pains. As I sit here today and reflect back, I am able to play “Monday-morning-quarterback” and I am so amazed to see how God’s purpose and plan has been intertwined throughout this year. Admittedly, and quite intentionally, I have been quiet here on my blog. I have spent the greater part of this year in quiet reflection with God. Sorting through things I believed and trying to make better sense of who God is, what the true purpose of the Gospel is, what …