This week, after the Supreme Court decision, Christian bloggers from across the globe took to the internet to express their opinion. Social media lit up with a flood of cheers as well as an onslaught of groans. I would venture to say the hashtag of #lovewins is likely one of the most trending topics on the internet. I don’t know that I have anything new or unique to add to this topic, yet I feel compelled to chime in. As I read many of the blogs over the past few days, my heart just broke. It broke for 2 very distinct reasons: 1. My heart broke for those who call themselves Christian and spew such hatred and venom in their rhetoric. No matter your opinion on the subject, we are to always walk in love (now, that doesn’t mean we don’t express our opinion – we just need to have a better …
Tag: Movement
I have always appreciated the “Skit Guys” and their amazing ability to deliver a message. I recently saw this clip and thought it would be a great way to start this post. Take a few minutes to watch this before you read on. In all seriousness, fear is debilitating. It is the thief that not only steals your joy, but your ability to live in the present. Fear encapsulates your mind and forces you to live in a constant state of “What if?” thereby robbing you of living in the now. I have seen it lived out in others and I have most definitely spent my fair share of days living in this state of existence. There have been those times when I have refused to take a step out of fear – fear of failure, fear of others or fear of the unknown. We cling to what we know, …
2012 is now something of the past and 2013 is already in full gear. There is something refreshing about a new beginning, a clean start and that is exactly what the New Year represents. A time to re-chart the course. For me, 2012 started with obstacles and challenges and finished with victory and breakthrough. For my wife and me, I know our single most amazing breakthrough of the year is that we are finally expecting our first baby! Our son will be arriving in a few short months and the journey that God brought us through to arrive at this point is nothing short of miraculous. I know I wrote briefly in a previous post about our struggle, and I will write the full testimony shortly and post it here – but the years of trying, the struggles and the sadness are now behind us and God has truly shown …
Seeing that the Olympics just finished, I think it is fitting to share this great video I saw awhile back from Francis Chan: Have you ever found yourself clinging to the balance beam of life? Holding on tight…just waiting for things to stabilize? Have you ever caught yourself getting too comfortable…almost to the point where you become complacent in your journey? I know I am guilty of that! I know there have been times where I would rather close my eyes and hold on – just let me know when the shaking is over. However, with that said, I know that is NOT who I want to be. It is NOT who God created you to be. God calls us to live a challenging, exciting, adventure of a life. The adventure is here, now! Why are we so scared to step out and try something new for Him? Isaiah 43: …
Movement. Action. Forward momentum. All are required for our walk of Faith – perhaps that is exactly why it is called a “Walk of Faith”. In Luke 9:23 Jesus tells us: Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. He doesn’t tell us, “Whoever wants to be my disciple, get comfortable, lock your doors, and wait patiently for me.” Seriously – how pathetic would that be? There MUST be movement involved. If you want to follow something that is moving, you yourself must move in that same direction in order to follow it. Seems like a simple concept, right? But too many times, we can get comfortable living our lives, that we forget this principle of action and momentum. I don’t understand the reason for this, but yet we see it all too often. Perhaps we are concerned that if …