Seeing that the Olympics just finished, I think it is fitting to share this great video I saw awhile back from Francis Chan: Have you ever found yourself clinging to the balance beam of life? Holding on tight…just waiting for things to stabilize? Have you ever caught yourself getting too comfortable…almost to the point where you become complacent in your journey? I know I am guilty of that! I know there have been times where I would rather close my eyes and hold on – just let me know when the shaking is over. However, with that said, I know that is NOT who I want to be. It is NOT who God created you to be. God calls us to live a challenging, exciting, adventure of a life. The adventure is here, now! Why are we so scared to step out and try something new for Him? Isaiah 43: …
Tag: Destiny
This week I had the opportunity to go to enjoy a concert from Raul Midon. This was my first time seeing him, and I must say, he is very impressive. If you have an opportunity to see him, I would recommend it. One thing really stuck out to me, specifically his lyrics to his song “Everybody”. Here are just a few lines: Everybody is free to make a difference Everybody can be somebody Everybody is free to make a difference in this world. You don’t have to be a big celebrity To feel the power, the power in your soul …To realize that in your eyes there’s a view that only you can see There was something so powerful in those words when he sang that song. Something so simple, yet so profound. Sometimes we let our challenges hold us back. We let our “disabilities” hinder our progress. But yet …
I love the Olympics. There is something fun and exciting about them. The competition, the drive, the determination of all the athletes representing their country is something to be admired. The other night we joined the world in watching the opening ceremonies that kicked everything off. I always enjoy the creative ways the host country uses to show what they are all about. Icons and figure heads always come forward; and this year was no different. From James Bond to Sir Paul McCartney and Mr. Bean to The Queen herself (parachuting out of a helicopter mind you) – everyone played their part. On the main field there were hundreds (if not thousands) of volunteers who also wanted to take part in this momental occasion. Without each and everyone of those volunteers – it just would not look the same. The big vision that the creator had for this particular production …
For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. Psalm 139:13-16 For me, these verses have defined my life. These words are my safe place; where I return when I need to be refreshed. Let’s be honest, this was a very hard concept for me to grasp in my early days as a follower of Jesus…that He saw my unformed being. That He intricately and meticulously formed every part and laid out in advance of me setting one foot on this earth, a …