My life has been characterized by a variety of successes and failures, wins and losses. If you were to observe from the outside, like baseball statistician, my scorecard would probably not amount to anything that deserves the MVP and definitely nothing close to any hall of fame notoriety – but there has been one giant play that will always make the hall of fame reel in my own life – when I truly discovered my identity in Christ. Oddly enough this was not some “light bulb moment”, but rather, a road paved with those aforementioned wins and losses. That road defined it all. Looking back now, it couldn’t be more obvious. And what is amazing – the Freedom found once I understood it all. And it is that which defines my desire in starting this next journey of a blog…to help others see and understand their identity…to unlock their souls and see their true capability in Him who created you for a purpose. I intend to take a candid, honest (sometimes painfully) and genuine look at what I have learned and am still learning…trust me, it is a constant lesson.
Thanks for joining my journey and I look forward to having this conversation with you as we venture together to walk out our God defined Destiny.