The Christmas story is so simple, yet so completely divine. Our salvation and our redemption enters the world not with pomp and circumstance but as a helpless baby, born in a barn and surrounded by livestock. You could look at this from the outside and ponder the reasoning for such an entrance. After all, He is the King, the creator of Heaven and Earth, He existed before time began and His entrance to Earth is lacking showmanship.
It is in that beautiful simple story that we see the true intentions of our God. He did not come to “rule” or “dominate” over us, but rather to be with us and form relationship with us. Jesus started on this Earth just like you and I and dwelt among us.
Holidays can always bring a mix of emotions; we miss the loved ones that are no longer with us, we reflect back on the year’s success’ or failures and we look ahead to the hope of a new year.
This Christmas, pause and look at the names that He was given in Isaiah 9:6 – Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Who do you need Jesus to be for you this season? Do you need Him as a counselor or perhaps as a father? Or maybe you need the Prince of Peace this Season?
Whatever it is you need this Christmas, I know we serve a God who simply desires to have relationship with you. Take a much needed break to reflect on what He has done for you this year. Enjoy some time with the One who simply desires relationship with you.
May the Love of God bless you this Christmas in a new and profound way!
Question: What is your family tradition to keep Jesus as the meaning of Christmas?